Wednesday 9 January 2019

Competition wizard magazine

Competition wizard magazine

Competition wizard magazine In the case of Indian Young Lawyers Association vs The State Of Kerala and others, the petitioners had challenged the practice of not allowing the women of the age group 10-50 to worship at the famous Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. Competitionwizard magazine The Sabarimala Temple worships the Deity called Lord Ayyappa who is considered to be an eternal celibate, meaning someone who has abstained from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons. ias magazines free download Banning the entry of women of age group 10-50 years due to their active menstrual status that may hinder with the eternal celibacy of Lord Ayyappa had been in practice since time immemorial until the Supreme Court of India declared such practice as against the Fundamental Right of citizens contained in Article 25 ias magazines free download  of the Constitution, and Rule 3(B) Of The Kerala Hindu Places Of Public Worship (Authorization Of Entry) Rules 1965. 

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