Thursday 31 January 2019

Civil Services Chronicle

Civil Services Chronicle

civil services chronicle subscription online Extinctions are seldom causing for celebration. Humans are wiping out species at a frightening rate whether hunting them into history or far more threateningly damaging the habitats on which they depend. But occasionally the destruction is warranted.

chronicle ias magazine Smallpox was officially eradicated in 1980 and no one laments the fate of the virus that caused it campaigns to save the virus that causes polio are thin on the ground. How then to think about a new technology that will make driving a species to extinction far easier? That technology is known as a gene drive so called because it uses genetic engineering to drive certain traits through a population. Civil services chronicle  subscribe this magazine.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Mathematics Today

MathematicsToday buy online is a pioneer magazine designed to cater to the needs of an IIT and engineering aspirant. The basic aim of Mathematics Today by is to provide mechanisms to be used as a barometer by technical aspirants. It provides them an opportunity to get exposed to numerous complex problems which demand a high level of analytical ability and proficiency.  This is one among the magazines which provides the latest pre-engineering solved papers and model test papers based on the new pattern Mathematics Today buy online. The levels of the questions are high enough to give your brain cells pain. In short, it is one of the best tools to tackle engineering entrance exams Mathematics Today subscribenow

bsc4success current affairs

bsc magazine In pursuance of its objective of ensuring that legislation is in sync with the needs of strong economic fundamentals the Govt has constituted a Competition Law Review Committee to review. the Competition Act. The Competition Act was passed in the year 2002 and the Competition Commission of India was set up in pursuance of the same. The Review Committee will be chaired by the Secretary. Ministry of Corporate Affairs Injeti Srinivas subscribe bsc4success current affairs.

Friday 25 January 2019

CSR General knowledge Today

CSR General knowledge Today

csr general knowledge book 2. PM Mr. Narendra Modi inaugurates the countries first inland multi medal terminal port on the Ganga River in Varanasi under the J al MargVikas Project of the government from Varanasi to Hilda. He receives the first container cargo transported on inland waterways from Kolkata. Competition success reviews subscribe.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Pratiyogita Kiran English

Pratiyogita Kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran GLOBAL WAGE REPORT ILO published this article Page no 12

Slow wage growth in high income countries. Wages in developing countries are increasing more quickly than those in higher-income countries.

Pratiyogita kiran subscription But the gaps in wages are wide and the level of wages is still not high enough for people to meet their basic needs in developing countries kiran subscribe this magazine.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Science journal

Science journal

Ancient Human Hybrid of Two Different Human Species According to a study published in Nature, a female who died 90,000 years ago was a descendant of two different groups of early humans.

science reporter magazine By genome analysis of her bone discovered in a Siberian Cave it was found that she was half Neanderthal and half Denis van. This is the first time scientists have discovered an ancient individual parented by two different species of humans sciencereporter   subscribethis magazine.

Saturday 19 January 2019

chronicle book for civil services

chronicle book forcivil services  
chronicle book for civil services  the vulnerability assessment was done on the basis of four major factors which are docioeconomic, demographic  status and health, the sensitivity of agricultural production, forest dependent  livelihoods and access to information services and infrastructure books for civil services.

Friday 18 January 2019

science reporter

science reporter

science reporter magazine subscription Botanical survey of india (BSI) scientists have discovered two new species of ginger named hedychium chingmeiamum and caulokaempferia dinabandhuensis in the easternmost districts of northeast India including ukhrul in Manipur and tensing in Nagaland science reporter.

Thursday 17 January 2019

rs aggarwal english book

rs aggarwal english book
rs aggarwal english book bublished this passage 2 page 195
rs aggarwal english book India has always been an utmost inspiration for the world at large for her fabulous wealth, both material and economic prosperity as well as her spiritual excellence. It brought here both traders and invaders along with preachers and seekers in search of truth and salvation rs aggarwal general English buy now.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Chronicle magazine in hindi

Chronicle magazine inhindi
Chronicle magazine in hindi the most contentious issue is dredging of the river and its costs. To allow ocean going vessels to traverse a river, upsc exam papers it should have a depth of 2 to 3 meters and a width of 45-60 meters. Even a river as mighty as the ganga does not have  those parameters. It will have to be dredged continuously civilservices chronicle online.

Philosophy books

Philosophy books  
Philosophy books  Is four or that three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles, to be the result of caprice and not of absolute necessity? In the same way the observation of astronomical of astronomical and phusical facts, and their constant regularity and periodicity, gives rise to the idea or a will that is superior to the whims of the gods(uoipa), of an immutable justice, of a divine law of supreme Intelligence philosophyoptional syllabus buy now.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

science magazine subscription

science magazine subscription
sciencemagazine subscription If you need to create 3D computer graphics or models, then Blender is the toolset you are looking for. Using Blender, it’s possible to create animations, models for 3D printing, 3D interactive elements for websites, and video games with Blender’s 3D video game engine science reporteronline.

population geography published this article page no 6 Density and Distribution

When total population is viewed in relation to the amount of land under cultivation in a region in a region, we get physiological density or nutritional density. This is a more meaningful index of population density in any area. In the case of Egypt, while the crude density is only 72, physiological density works out to be nearly 2,500 persons per square kilometer of cultivable land. The measure is appropriate for a situation where agriculture is the mainstay of population. But it is also true that not all the people in a region or country are dependent on agriculture latestworld geography buy now

population geography

population geography
When total population is viewed in relation to the amount of land under cultivation in a region in a region, we get physiological density or nutritional density. This is a more meaningful index of population density in any area. In the case of Egypt, while the crude density is only 72, physiological density works out to be nearly 2,500 persons per square kilometer of cultivable land. The measure is appropriate for a situation where agriculture is the mainstay of population. But it is also true that not all the people in a region or country are dependent on agriculture latestworld geography buy now

Friday 11 January 2019

Population geography book

Population geography book

Geography of india which gives a brief description on the geography of india by reading these kind of books a student can good knowledge where there is a sample about the subject a smaller description is given about the book below through which the reader can understand how useful the book is for the reader The geography of India is extremely diverse Geography of india with landscape ranging from snowcapped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, hills and plateausmost of India lies on a peninsula in southern Asia that protrudes into the Indian Ocean. Geography of india India is bounded in the southwest by the Arabian Sea and in the southeast by the Bay of Bengal. world geography book The fertile IndoGangetic plain occupies most of northern, central and eastern India, while the Deccan Plateau occupies most of southern India. world geography book To the west of the country is the Thar Desert, which consists of a mix of rocky and sandy desert. India's east and northeastern border consists of the high Himalayan range. The highest point in India is disputed due to a territorial dispute with Pakistan India is bordered by Pakistan, world geography book the People's Republic of China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan. Sri Lanka and the Maldives are island nations to the south of India. population geographyPolitically, India is divided into 28 states, six federally administered union territories and a national capital territory. The political divisions generally follow linguistic and ethnic boundaries rather than geographic transitions. population geography India comprises most of the Indian subcontinent situated on the Indian Plate, the northerly portion of the Indo-Australian Plate. population geography India is divided into 29 states (which are further subdivided into districts), six union territories and the National Capital Territory of Delhi. States have their own elected government, settlement geography while Union Territories are governed by an administrator appointed by the union government. Summer is followed by the southwest monsoon rains that provide most of India with its rainfall. settlement geography The rain-bearing clouds are attracted to the low-pressure system created by the Thar Desert.  settlement geography The official date for the arrival of the monsoon is 1 June, when the monsoon crosses the Kerala coast. The southwest monsoon splits into two arms, the Bay of Bengal arm and the Arabian Sea arm. world geography The Bay of Bengal arm moves north-wards crossing northeast India in early June. It then progresses eastwards, crossing Delhi by June 29. Tertiary Period imprints are seen in parts of Manipur, Nagaland, parts of Arunachal Pradesh and along the Himalayan belt. world geography The Cretaceous system is seen in central India in the Vindhyas and part of the Indo-Gangetic plains. The Gondowana system is also seen in the Narmada River area in the Vindhyas and Satpuras. world geography These books are available on where the reader can log on and subscribe his book . and get his copy and gain good knowledge.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

bank exams today: Competition wizard magazine

bank exams today: Competition wizard magazine: Competition wizard magazine SupremeCourt turns "Liberal crusader"  article Can be seen on page no 04 in Wizardmagazine ias Ma...

Competition wizard magazine

Competition wizard magazine

Competition wizard magazine In the case of Indian Young Lawyers Association vs The State Of Kerala and others, the petitioners had challenged the practice of not allowing the women of the age group 10-50 to worship at the famous Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. Competitionwizard magazine The Sabarimala Temple worships the Deity called Lord Ayyappa who is considered to be an eternal celibate, meaning someone who has abstained from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons. ias magazines free download Banning the entry of women of age group 10-50 years due to their active menstrual status that may hinder with the eternal celibacy of Lord Ayyappa had been in practice since time immemorial until the Supreme Court of India declared such practice as against the Fundamental Right of citizens contained in Article 25 ias magazines free download  of the Constitution, and Rule 3(B) Of The Kerala Hindu Places Of Public Worship (Authorization Of Entry) Rules 1965. 

Tuesday 1 January 2019

bank exams today: Science reporter

bank exams today: Science reporter: Science reporter What are Glaciers? Is an article on page31 of Science reporter Science reporter Most of us have been fascinated by g...

Science reporter

Science reporter
Science reporter Most of us have been fascinated by glaciers, glacial landforms and the immense erosive force that they wield. formed by a combination of snow, rock, ice accumulation and low temperatures, glaciers grow over multiple decades and flow downslope due to gravity. Science reporter Sporting a philosophical duality analogous to Yin and Yang these colossal bodies of ice are characterised by two opposing dynamic phenomena - accumulation, which is a zone where the glacier grows in mass and volume (typically during snowfall and other modes of snow transport), Sciencereporter and ablation, which is how it melts or reduces in mass (typically occurring in summer months). The resulting and ever-changing glacial mass therefore provides an accurate indication of even the most miniscule changes in global reportermagazine Warmer than usual periods result in increased ablation and the glaciers melt at a higher speed than they can accumulate fresh snow/water. Glaciers have marked their presence on our planet for millions of years. From the fjords of Norway to the glaciated valleys such as those seen in Yosemite National Park (USA) and from the uninhabited vast unending ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica to the militarized zones on the Siachen. science reporter magazine When a glacier moves downstream it leaves behind distinctive signatures into the bedrock underneath such as deep-set furrows, grooves and striations. Imagine transporting a sack of sharp pebbles, barbed ice and granular dirt on a buttery smooth surface. science reporter magazine The abrasions left behind are unmistakable and it makes for a remarkable cycle — deeper the travelling rocks and boulders carve into the surface below, more is the material now trapped under the glacier, further increasing its erosion power for the onward journey.