Thursday 29 November 2018

Physics For You

Physics For You

physics for you magazine  a MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in the education publishing business in India, catering to the needs of IIT and PMT aspirantsphysics for you magazine  is one among the four competitive magazines published by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. With a readership of more than one crore readers physics for you magazine  mtg Established in 1982, the group is committed to improving the quality of science education, enhancing students interest in Maths, 
physics for you magazine , pcmb today magazine subscription mtg supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years  papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical exams. Physics for you mtg, physics for you magazine  now available online where the aspirant can get his copy to the place he is residing by paying 
mtg physics magazine has many ways of mailing such as courier speed post and registered post to ensure a safe delivery to right subscriber at the right place mentioned by the subscriber physics for you magazine  the group is committed to improving the quality of Physics education, enhancing students  interest in science, fostering their analytical ability and, most importantly helping thousands of young engineering and medical aspirants to become successful professional  
mtg magazine physics for you if undelivered  then the call center people call up the client to make sure if there is any change in the address so that the same may be updated  to have better service to the subscriber. However by subscribing . mtg magazine physics for you the aspirant can get better knowledge of the subject , physics for you magazine

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Civil service chronicle subscription

Civil service chronicle subscription

Civil Services a Journey or a Destination? Is on the 14th page of civil services chronicle

Civil service chronicle subscription If you meas­ure the worth of the journey by the fact that whether you reached the des­tination or not, you are doing a great disservice to the journey itself. So whether you become an IAS or not, it hardly matters. But once you undertake this journey one thing is for sure, upscpattern you will not be the same person again. Let us tell you why. This exam brings about a transformational change in a person. It makes you aware of so many things that no other exam can. It makes you a far better person than you already are. It makes you empathetic to the plight of the downtrodden and needy millions. pcsexam It makes you balanced in your outlook and approach. You will always be ahead in life after prepar­ing for this exam. You will be able to learn how our past affects our present and our future. You will become a highly intellectual person who could talk about anything in highly effective manner. shankar iasacademy It changes your perspective on how you see things. You will not judge people on how they act, but will learn why they act in that manner.Every side has two story. CSE will give you enough perspective to see both sides!

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Types of courses covered under the loan can be seen in science refresher 23rd page
Junior science refresher magazine It can be taken for a full-time, part-time or vocational course and graduation or post graduation in the fields of engineering, management, medical, hotel management,architecture,etc.Eligibility, documents required Junior science refresher magazine To apply for the loan, one must be an Indian citizen, having secured an admission into a college/university recognised by a competent authority in India or abroad. bright group of publications junior science refresher The applicant must have completed his higher secondary level schooling. Some banks offer the loan even before one has secured admission into the university.As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines, there are no restrictions on the upper age limit, but some • banks may have it.The banks require additional documents such as admission letter of the institution, bright group of publicationsjunior science refresher fee structure, Class X, XII and graduation (if applicable) marksheets. Also required are the income 'documents such as salary slips or income-tax returns (ITR) of the co-applicant.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Competition success review online

Competition success review online

CSR has an article Compatibility between Energy Security and Development Needs
competition successsubscription India is the third-largest energy consumer in the world after China and the United States. With a rapidly growing economy, India's energy production will need to increase in order to meet our development needs. Competitionsuccess review online Thus, the challenge for India is to ensure harmony between its development needs and Energy Security. The exploration of shale gas would accommodate its energy needs while at the same time ensure continued economic growth in India.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Science reporter monthly magazine subscription

Science reporter monthly magazine subscription

 an article about World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) is published on the 38th page of Science Reporter
Sciencereporter monthly magazine subscription Frank Schnabel is the founder-father of WFH, who started it in 1963. A haemophilic himself, he was aware of the fatality of the situation which could arise out of ignorance Science reporter monthly magazinesubscription of the condition. It was his vision to provide better care for the numerous haemophiliacs around the world. Science reporter monthly magazinesubscription Through his organisation, he conducted workshops, brought the families of the hindi science magazine haemophiliacs together and sensitised the developing nations about this rare disorder. His relentless efforts earned him and the organisation recognition from WHO, hindi science magazine and since 1969, WHO is actively participating and promoting WFH activities. Now WFH has chapters all over the globe who are keenly taking part in their drives to bring awareness about the condition, hindi sciencemagazine treatment options and care for haemophiliacs. The World Haemophilia Day is observed on April 17th —Schnabel's birthday—to honour his efforts.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Competition in focus Magazine

Competition in focus Magazine

 Page 5 has the Interesting Facts about the stuatue in competition in focus magazine
Competition in focus Magazine Statue of Unity is twice the size of New York's Statue of Liberty. It will be able to withstand wind velocity up (o 60m/sec, vibration and earthquakes. Competition in focus Magazine 22500 m ton (22500000 kg) of - cement has been used to build the Statue of Unity. It took 56 months to complete the project; 15 months for planning, competition in focus 40 months for construction and two months for handing over by the consortium No escalation of labour, fuel and the material is allowed. Currently, competition in focus the world's tallest statue is the Spring Temple Buddha in China at 128 m (420 feet) high. competitionfocus The monument is designed by Ram V. Sutar (an Indian sculptor). After completion, the statue will generate approximately 15000 direct jobs for tribal people every year. The museum on the life of Sardar Patel is at the base, and.two high-speed lifts will take peoPle to the viewers' gallery. According to sources, competitionfocus around 15000 tourists are expected to visit the statue on daily basis.The total cost of the project was estimated to be about 2063-crore ($ 290 million) by the government.

Monday 12 November 2018

Science reporter monthly magazine subscription

Science reporter monthly magazine subscription

November issue of Science reporter on page 26 has Planetary Resources Project
Science reporter monthly magazine subscription The primary aim of Planetary Resources is to visit multiple Near Earth Asteroids and identify those that have the best sources of water. They intend to gather vital information necessary for setting up commercial mines that will harvest water for use in space. Science reporter monthly magazine subscription They have zeroed in on Near Earth Asteroids because they find them to be more accessible than the moon.  Planetary Resources launched their Arkyd-6 spacecraft into orbit on 12 January 2018. Science reporter monthly magazine subscription The spacecraft includes the core technology that is being used in the company's asteroid exploration programme, hindi science magazine which includes a mid-wave infrared sensor, second-generation avionics, power systems, communications, and attitude determination and control systems. The A6 instrument on board Arkyd-6 is a broadband imager spanning 3 to 5 microns within the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This region is sensitive to the presence of water -including that in hydrated minerals and thermal energy, allowing it to be used as a tool to search for water on Earth and beyond. It is capable of detecting water on near Earth asteroids. hindi science magazine  The results of the Arkyd-6 mission will give the information that the company needs before it launches exploratory multiple spacecrafts to asteroids, which the company intends to do in 2020. The spacecrafts are planned to be deployed by a single rocket launch. hindi science magazine The rocket will carry the exploration spacecraft just beyond the influence of Earth's gravity where they will continue their journey using low thrust ion propulsion systems.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

 Article about the Government constitutes Injeti Srinivas .Competition Law Review Committee can be seen on page 28 of competition refresher
Competition Refresher Magazine The government has constituted a panel to review the competition law. The committee would review the Competition Act, Rules & Regulations, in view of changing business environment and bring necessary changes, required. Competition Refresher The nine-member committee chaired by Corporate Affairs Secretary InjetiSrinivas includes Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Chairperson MS Sahoo and Competition Commission of India's (CC1) acting chairperson Sudhir Mittal Announcing the setting up of the Competition Law Review Committee, the government said it is in pursuance of its objective of ensuring that legislation is in sync with the needs of strong economic fundamentals. Competition Refresher gk The committee would also look into international best practices in the competition fields, especially anti-trust laws, merger guidelines and handling-cross border competition issues. Further,. it would study 'the regulatory regimes, institutional mechanisms and government policies which overlap with the Competition Act', the release said. The committee would submit its report within three months from the date of its first meeting.

Friday 9 November 2018

BSc magazine online June

BSc magazine online June

IL&FS books

BSc magazine online June The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has sent the books of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS). filled with auditing irregularities. to the newly constituted National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) BSc magazine online June . The former bureaucrat Rangachari Sridharan is the chief of the NFRA; which is responsible for the establishment and enforcement of accounting and auditing standards and oversight of the work of auditors BScmagazine online June

Thursday 8 November 2018

junior science refresher English magazine online subscription

junior science refresher English magazine online subscription

A topic on Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was published on page 22 of Junior Science Refresher
Junior science refresher magazine The Prize in Economic Sciences 2018 has been awarded to William D. Nordhaus "for integrating cli­mate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis" and Paul M. Romer "for integrating technological innova­tions into long-run macroeconomic analysis." Junior science refresher magazine Their find­ have significantly broadened the scope of economic. analysis by con­structing models that explain . how the market econoiny interacts with nature and knowledge. bright group of publications junior science refresher This year's Laureates have designedmethods for addressing some of our time's most basic and pressing questions about how we create long-term sustained and sustainable economic growth. bright group of publications juniorscience refresher Their con­tributions provide us with fundamental insights into the causes and consequences of technological innovation and climate change.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Competition in Focus

Competition in Focus

 Has an article on Other Indicators

Competition in Focus Arihant Publication. According to the human development index (HDI) report, India is ahead of Bangladesh and Pakistan in inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI). India has IHDI of 0.468, a 26.8% reduction from the unadjusted HDI of 0.640. According to gender inequality index (GII) of the report, India has a GII of 0.524, ranking it 127 out of 160 countries in 2017, while Pakistan is ranked 133 and Bangladesh 134. GII is the loss in human development due to inequality between female and male achievements in reproductive health, empoVverment, and economic activity Competition infocus.